Dec 13-14 | Columbia Extractive Media conference

We are pleased to announce the schedule for the upcoming Extractive Media conference that will take place on Dec 13–14 in Schermerhorn 807.

Please join us for a keynote by Martín Arboleda on Friday, December 13 at 5pm, followed by a day of programming on Saturday, December 14 from 10am–5pm with papers by Patrick Brodie, Nadine Chan, Janna Israel, Tamara Kneese, Rosalind Morris, and Rafico Ruiz. 

RSVP required, please email [email protected]. Closer to the date of the event, registered guests not affiliated with Columbia University will receive instructions about how to receive guest passes to access campus.

Extractive Media

Friday December 13—Keynote Address:

Schermerhorn 807

5:00 Zeynep Çelik Alexander, Brian Larkin, Debashree Mukherjee: Introduction & opening comments

5:30 Martin Arboleda (Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile)

“International Technological Subordination: The Geopolitical Economy of Circuits of Extraction”


Saturday December 14Workshop

Schermerhorn 807


10am Breakfast 


Panel I

Chair: Reinhold Martin (Columbia U)

11:00   Introduction

11:10 Rosalind C. Morris, (Columbia U)

“Roads Paved and (Not) Taken: Infrastructures of Extraction and the Extraction of Infrastructure in South Africa”

11: 30  Rafico Ruiz (Canadian Center for Architecture)

“Ikiaqqijjut (‘travelling through layers’): The Angiqatigingniq Internet Network and the Promise of Extraction in Mary River, Nunavut”

11:50  Reinhold Martin comments, followed by discussion


12:30  Lunch

Stronach Lounge, Schermerhorn 8th Floor


Panel II

Chair: Irina Kalinka (Columbia U)

1:30 Janna Israel (Princeton University Art Museum)

“Imagining an Early Modern Empire of Minerals”

1:50 Tamara Kneese (Data & Society)

“Death by Algorithm: The Case for AI Abolition”

2:10 Irina Kalinka comments, followed by discussion


2:50 Coffee break 


Panel III

Chair:  Jennifer Wenzel (Columbia U)

3:30 Nadine Chan (University of Toronto)

“Cinematic Alchemy: Extraction, Logistics, and Process in the Colonial Industrial Film”

3:50 Patrick Brodie (University College Dublin)

“Environmental Datafication, Resource-Making, and the Frontiers of Green Capitalism”

4:10 Jennifer Wenzel comments, followed by discussion


5:00 Final Remarks

Followed by reception in Stronach Lounge, Schermerhorn 8th Floor