Select Fall 2024 Public Programs

The Office of Public Programs is pleased to give you a preview of two great Fall events that may be of interest to your department. Kindly share this announcement with Faculty and Graduate Center students who are teaching on CUNY campuses to see if they are interested in bringing their classes.

 For class tickets, email me at [email protected]

Individual tickets will be available after Aug. 28 when we officially announce the full season.

Candy Darling: Dreamer, Icon, Superstar
Cynthia Carr in Conversation with Lucy Sante
Tuesday, October 8, 6:30 pm

Cynthia Carr’s new biography of the Warhol superstar and unintentional pioneer who became an icon puts Candy Darling in the spotlight. Candy personified glamor, performing in the early Off-Off-Broadway theater scene and in Warhol’s films Flesh and Women in Revolt, inspiring songs by Lou Reed and the Rolling Stones, and posing for Richard Avedon. Yet she lived on the edge, keeping a part of herself hidden, and died at 29 in 1974, just as conversations about gender and identity were entering the broader culture. Carr is a former Village Voice writer and an acclaimed author of books on American art and culture, who worked on Candy Darling as a fellow at the Leon Levy Center for Biography. She speaks with Lucy Sante, author of Low Life, The Other Paris, and most recently, I Heard Her Call My Name: A Memoir of Transition.

Presented with the Leon Levy Center for Biography.


Paint Me a Road Out of Here:
Film Screening and Discussion
Wednesday, December 4, 6:30 p.m.

Featuring artists Faith Ringgold and Mary Enoch Elizabeth Baxter, Paint Me a Road Out of Here uncovers the whitewashed history of Faith’s masterpiece “For the Women’s House” and follows its 50-year journey from Rikers Island to the Brooklyn Museum in a heartbreaking, funny, and true parable for a world without mass incarceration. Join us for a screening and a discussion with Catherine Gund, the film’s director; Mary Enoch Elizabeth Baxter, film participant and executive producer; and Leah Faria, film participant and director of community liaisons at Women’s Community Justice Association; moderated by Dána-Ain Davis, director of the Center for the Study of Women and Society.

Presented with the Center for the Study of Women and Society.