Call for submissions | Feline Film Festival (regular deadline April 27)

Hello film fans!

On June 10th, the Brooklyn Cat Cafe and Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition are hosting our 2nd Annual Feline Film Festival. Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like!  We’re asking aspiring film students and professionals to submit short narrative films featuring cats as an integral part of the story.  In addition to being a lot of fun, the FFF is an important source of funding in support of animal rescue in New York City.   

We need your help in publicizing the event with your students and network of fellow filmmakers.  Additionally, if you’re interested in participating as a judge, please contact us at [email protected].  

The submission deadline is April 27, 2023 and the fee is $35 per film.  Late submissions will be accepted until May 17, 2023.  There will be prizes and a screening too!  Further details, including submission guidelines, can be found at

Thank you in advance for your help and support.  We look forward to passing the popcorn!

Jessica Smith

About the first Feline Film Festival:

For our first FFF, our judges were director Gino Tomac, and Pace University film professors Catherine Zimmer and Amy Zilliax. The winning submission was a short documentary entitled “Little Works of Art,” about a man who founded the American Museum of House Cat, in Sylva, NC, which houses over 10,000 cat-related objects.  The screening was sold out!

About Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition (BBAWC):

Since its inception in 2007, BBAWC has rescued over 7,000 cats and more than 100 other animals including dogs, guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, mice and a chicken. Over 6,000 animals have been placed in permanent adoptive homes and over 1,000 cats have been Trap-Neuter-Returned.  In 2016, we opened the Brooklyn Cat Cafe as a social space and adoption center and have averaged over 35,000 visitors annually.  In 2020, BBAWC opened a low-cost rescue clinic that has performed over 1,800 cat spay/neuter surgeries.