Stay on top of your summer writing projects with GC Writing Services! Spread the word to your friends, classmates, and chartered orgs!
We offer 45-minute writing consultations in room 3300.10 to help you figure out where your academic drafts need to go next in the revision process. To make an appointment, or for more information, click here.
Join us for our Write Now meetups in room 3312 on May 29-31, 11am-4pm. (Think of these as an end-of semester writing marathon, your chance to beat the incomplete or to get a good chunk of summer writing done early.) Sign up here.
Come to our time management workshop in room 3312 on June 17, 11am-1pm. Sign up here.
Drop into our companionable writing groups, held June 3-July 31 in room 3312. We’ll be meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays, 2-4pm, and Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am-12noon. Feel free to come to as many sessions as you like, or to just one. More info is here.
We are offering several options for remote writing accountability groups for students working on ongoing projects in June and July. For more information and to sign up, click here.
Email [email protected] with questions.
*To join our new Writing Services email list, click here, fill out the form, and check the “Writing Services” box at the bottom.*