Mar 7 | Teaching Positions with Bard Early College

Bard Early College Information Session

Thursday, March 7, 2019
3:15-4:15 p.m.

Bard Early Colleges Faculty: A Ph.D. Career Path to Consider

This information session for doctoral students in all fields will introduce teaching in the Bard Early Colleges as a career path to consider.  The Bard Early Colleges have over 200 faculty, the great majority with terminal degrees in their fields, teaching at ten campuses, predominantly in major urban centers. Nearly all positions are full-time and tenure-track.

Through a tuition-free college program in the liberal arts and sciences, the Bard Early Colleges help high school students, particularly those at risk of not completing postsecondary education, access, afford, and complete college. The ideal faculty candidates are educators passionate about their fields of study and committed to advancing equity through rigorous curricula made accessible to students with varied academic preparation. Bard Early Colleges campuses are currently in New York City, New York State, Newark, Baltimore, Cleveland, New Orleans, and Shenzhen, China; a new campus in Washington, DC is opening this year.

Session leader: John B. Weinstein, Dean of the Early Colleges, Bard College

For further information on the Bard Early Colleges, see our website.

You can use this link to view current position listings.

Please sign up to attend using this form.