Spring Writing Services

Writing consultations for Spring 2019 are now open. To learn about our services, click here. You can make an appointment (video here [youtube.com]) two weeks in advance. Consultations are available in person and remotely. Join our listserve to hear about writing events, tips, support, and future peer review groups! Sign up by clicking here and checking “Writing Services.”

Follow us on twitter: @gcwritinghelp

Spring Events
CFPAbstract Writing WorkshopTues, Feb 26, 6:00-8:00pm, room 3317

After a brief a presentation detailing some of the best practices of Call For Papers (CFP) answering and abstract composition, students will workshop their CFPs in peer editing groups. We ask that students bring a paper copy of the CFP and the abstract they’d like to workshop.

Presenting at a ConferenceTues, March 12, 4:30-5:30pm, room 3317

Your paper or abstract was accepted to a conference—now what? What makes for a good presentation? This workshop will help you turn your paper or abstract into an engaging and professional talk.

Returning to Academic WritingTues, March 26, 5:30-7:30pm, room 3317

This workshop is aimed at people who need a bit of a jump start to their academic writing—maybe you’ve been out of school for a while, are new to graduate studies, have taken some time off, or just feel a bit shaky on some basics. We’ll do a crash course on writing tips and set you up for paper writing success.

ReverseOutlining WorkshopTues, April 16, 3:00-4:00pm, room 7209

Learn how to create logical and organized structures for your already-written prose, and ensure a clear relationship between your stated argument(s) and the evidence your writing analyzes. This workshop will equip you to better revise your own work and to provide guiding questions for outside readers (writing buddies, family members, faculty advisers) from whom you may seek feedback on early stages of your drafts.

Revise a Seminar Paper into an ArticleThurs, May 2, 11:00am-1:00pm, room TBD

In this workshop, we will discuss the process of submitting an article to a peer-reviewed journal.  Students should bring in work to revise for this purpose.

Write Now Companionable WritingBegins Tues, March 5, 3:30-5:30pm, recurs weekly

Join in person or remotely via google hangout to help keep yourself on track, share silent space companionably and hone a writing habit. The first meeting will be held in room 3312; all following meetings will be in room 3317. No RSVP necessary: just show up! To join remotely, contact us via email ([email protected]) or twitter (@gcwritinghelp) for digital access.

RSVP for our Spring Events here