Seeking Film and Digital Media Review Editor for Italian American Review

Film and Digital Media Review Editor
Deadline extended to September 1, 2018

The Italian American Review is looking for a review editor for film and digital media.

The film and digital media review editor researches potential documentary (not feature) films and websites for assessment, engages potential reviewers, arranges the reviews, and does initial edits, while serving as the main point of contact between reviewers and the IAR editorial staff. This editor should be familiar with current issues concerning Italian American studies and should have published works on the topic of film.

This position requires editorial, organizational, and communications abilities. This position is a nonpaying volunteer role, in keeping with the practice of academic journal publishing. The IAR is looking for a three-year commitment starting September 2018.

The Italian American Review (IAR), a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal of Queens College’s John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, publishes scholarly articles about the history and culture of Italian Americans, as well as other aspects of the Italian diaspora. The journal embraces a wide range of professional concerns and theoretical orientations in the social sciences and in cultural studies.

For more information, see the Publications page on the Calandra Institute’s website, under Italian American Review[], where you can find PDFs of published reviews[]. If you are interested in taking on the duties of this editorial position, please send your CV to Managing Editor Rosangela Briscese at [email protected]. The deadline for applications is September 1, 2018.