Mar 12 | TLC Panel: Resisting the Canon

March 12th, 2018 6pm-8pm (originally scheduled for March 7th)
Room 9205 | Graduate Center

On Monday March 12th, the Teaching and Learning Center will host a panel discussion on strategies doctoral student instructors use to resist the canon in their teaching practices. We will engage in dialogue and offer resources for educators interested in incorporating a greater variety of perspectives and voices in the classroom through text selection.

Panelists will include Ana Flavia Badue (Cultural Anthropology PhD program), Hilarie Ashton (English PhD program), Lais Duarte (Cultural Anthropology PhD program) and Sara Deniz Akant (English PhD program).

This panel is the third of a series of events hosted by the Teaching and Learning Center on socially conscious pedagogy. The Developing Socially Conscious Pedagogy Educator Series was started by a group of GC graduate student educators seeking to increase dialogue at the GC about racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, ableism and other marginalizing forces and interlocking systems of oppression. These marginalizing social forces are produced and reproduced in academia, and manifest in multiple forms across the university, including our classrooms. This series seeks to engage-confront-disrupt-resist these systems by inviting educators’ participation in the exploration, imagination and commitment to socially-conscious practices. Previous events in this series included the Educator Positionality Mind Mapping workshop and the Developing a Socially Conscious Praxis workshop. The series will conclude with a collaborative teaching ‘zine meet up later in the spring semester.

Please RSVP at this link:

If you are have any questions, please email TLC Fellow Sakina Laksimi-Morrow at: [email protected].