Teach@CUNY Summer Institute, August 7-18

From August 7-18, the Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center will be hosting the first Teach@CUNY Summer Institute, a comprehensive, hybrid course-preparation seminar for Graduate Center Teaching Fellows.

Participants will have the opportunity to work with TLC staff and each other to build community and discuss a wide range of issues related to teaching in the CUNY undergraduate classroom. The Institute’s design and format will accommodate both the summer schedules and varying degrees of time commitment possible among Graduate Center students, and will help those preparing their courses for the Fall 2017 semester to hit the ground running.

Graduate Center students who participate should be prepared to spend 1-2 hours a day actively engaged in work related to the institute. Though it’s possible to participate only in parts of the institute, GC students who are active throughout the two-week program will receive the Teach@CUNY Summer Institute Certificate from the Graduate Center’s Provost’s Office.

In the first week we will share and discuss readings on CUNY’s history, students, and curriculum, and address key topics such as course and syllabus design, assignments and assessment, and inclusivity and accessibility. During the second week, participants will choose from a number of web-based inquiry channels on a range of topics relevant to teaching at CUNY.

The institute will combine web conferencing and face-to-face meeting opportunities with both synchronous and asynchronous online discussion using various digital tools, and will accommodate attendees who are both in and outside of New York City. Each week will conclude with an informal meet-up at the Graduate Center for those who can attend.

The Summer Institute is open to all Graduate Center Teaching Fellows, and those teaching for the first time in Fall 2017 are especially encouraged to participate.

Please register here if you’re interested in attending. More information about programming, selecting inquiry channels, and tech requirements will follow soon.

Don’t hesitate to contact the Teaching and Learning Center ([email protected]) if you have any questions!