Due May 12 | CFP: Session at UAAC (Banff, 12-15 Oct 17)

CFP: “A Duet with the Camera: Dance and the Still and Moving Image”

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Alberta, October 12 – 15, 2017

Deadline: May 12, 2017

Universities Art Association of Canada
Session 33

I feel strongly that film is related more closely to dance than to any other form because, like dance, it is conveyed in time. –Maya Deren

Filming and photographing moving bodies has altered how dance is choreographed, rehearsed, and staged for the camera. Critical debates surrounding the relation between dance and film have tended to revolve around notions of presence and liveness, and on the camera’s capacity to capture and express the ephemeral and visceral experience of live dance. This panel aims to investigate the ways in which artists, dancers, and filmmakers invite us to re-conceptualize the camera not as a recording device but as a stage which permits new articulations of the relationships between bodies in motion and technologies of representation through the use of various filmic and editing techniques. We are interested in proposals that examine collaborations between dancers, photographers and filmmakers, from early experiments during the silent film era and the collaborative initiatives of the historical avant-garde to the experimental film works of the Judson Dance Theatre, contemporary music videos and dance films. We also welcome papers that examine the theoretical underpinnings of dancing with the camera and the role of the spectator’s body in filmic performances. http://uaac-aauc.com/en/node/395[uaac-aauc.com]

Submissions must include: the name and email address of the applicant; the applicant’s institutional affiliation and rank; the paper title; an abstract (300 words maximum); and a brief bio (150 words maximum). Submissions must be provided as an editable document, preferably in MS word. Please send submissions to [email protected] and [email protected] by May 12, 2017. 

Session Chairs:

Isabelle Lynch
PhD student, University of Pennsylvania
[email protected]
Sophie Lynch
PhD student, University of Chicago
[email protected]

Full conference information available here.