The Advocate, Call for Contributions

Never Submit, Contribute!

The Advocate is currently soliciting articles and essays from the student body for its forthcoming issue. The Advocate serves as the newspaper for the Graduate Center community. We publish six issues a year and reach thousands of readers both within and beyond the GC community.

We accept contributions in the form of articles, reviews, illustrations, and photos from freelance writers, artists, and photographers who are CUNY students, faculty, and staff. 

​We also publish contributions from freelance writers, artists, and photographers not affiliated with CUNY.

Contributors are welcome to draft articles on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Investigative Articles covering GC/CUNY issues
  • First-person essays on teaching and graduate life
  • Feature articles on the politics, culture, and art of New York City
  • Non-technical articles on science and technology
  • Provocative or polemical essays on international, national, and local issues
  • Interviews and transcribed discussions or debates
  • Book, film, theatre​​, music, and art reviews
  • We accept but do not pay for letters to the editor.

​For a better sense of the nature and philosophy of the paper, you can find our back issues on our website,[]. Please send all queries and contributions to our Editor-in-Chief, Bhargav Rani, at [email protected].

And yes, we pay for articles!

​We at the Advocate have been striving to cultivate the paper as a nerve center for a community of writers at the Graduate Center. Towards this end, we have been advocating the past year with the DSC to recognize the labor that freelance writers put into writing for us, and have been pushing towards better compensations for articles. We are happy to announce that the DSC has approved additional funds to our freelance writers’ budget. From the next issue on, we will be paying $150 for articles between 1500-2500 words and about $200-$250 for longer essays that entail more research and labor. Other contributions like reviews and photo essays will also be compensated for at competitive rates determined by the Editor-in-Chief. Furthermore, in the interest of fostering a community, we are encouraging writers to contribute more regularly to the paper and are incentivizing it to provide frequent contributors with better compensation for their labor and commitment.

​The deadline for contributions to the next issue is April 20. ​We are always on the lookout for new writers with interesting literary styles, and would love to hear any alternate contribution ideas you might have as well​.

​We look forward to some fantastic articles from the student body!


The Advocate Editorial Committee,

Bhargav Rani

Alessandro Zammataro

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