Due Feb. 18 | Art and Science Connect Research Fellowships

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Art and Science Connect Research Fellowships

The Art and Science Connect initiative, with funding from a generous donor, invites applications for research fellowships for the academic year 2020-2021. The $5,000 fellowships are offered for Graduate Center Ph.D. students from any program conducting research whose main question is driven by an exploration of topics that intersect or overlap art and science.

The primary goal of the award winners will be to produce original research—including but not limited to a dissertation proposal or chapter—by December 2020. Recipients will undertake activities such as initial fieldwork, preliminary data collection, travel related to research, supplementary training in methods and techniques.

The Fellowship recipients will complete either a pre-dissertation proposal that defines their research problem and describes the research design and methods or a preliminary draft of a publishable scholarly article. The Fellows will also have the opportunity to present their research in a public forum.


Students must be level II or Level III and doing scholarly research in fields that include, but are not limited to, literary studies, philosophy, art history, psychology, sociology, theatre, film and media studies, visual arts, music, performance studies, cognitive science.

Proposal Expectations

  • Demonstrate true cross-disciplinary research questions and design
  • Explain how the work will advance knowledge in the chosen field(s) and supportive research that has informed your research topic
  • Explain innovative aspects of methodology, topic, or thesis
  • Provide a brief account of how this project will further your progress in your program

Application materials

  • Detailed letter of interest describing your project that addresses the above points (5-page limit)
  • A CV
  • Current GC transcript (students may submit the unofficial study copy that can be printed from CUNYfirst)
  • One letter of support from a faculty advisor

Application Deadline: February 18, 2020

 Instructions for submitting your application

Please combine the above materials (except for the recommendation letter) into a single file, either a pdf or word document. Use the following format when naming your document: Last name, First Name, Program.

Email your file directly to [email protected]

Instructions for Faculty Recommenders

  • Prepare your reference letter as a regular word or pdf document.
  • Please use the following format when naming your document: Student Last Name, First Name
  • Email your file directly to [email protected]

If you have questions, contact: Rachel Sponzo at [email protected], or 212.817.7282.