Due Mar 12 | Call for Applications: CUNY Adjunct Incubator Research & Development Grants

The Center for the Humanities CUNY Adjunct Incubator is a framework for supporting and highlighting the significant work of adjuncts teaching in the humanities and humanities-related social sciences across CUNY. The goal of the CUNY Adjunct Incubator is to expand academic and cultural networks and provide valuable opportunities for professional and intellectual development. Providing professional, social, logistical, and financial support for the production and circulation of knowledge by CUNY adjuncts, this platform will promote the crucial work of adjuncts.  We are offering two types of grants:

  • Adjunct Research & Development Grants will award $4,000 to 2 CUNY adjuncts developing independent scholarship and/or public projects in the humanities or humanities-related social sciences. In addition to covering costs associated with scholarly research, this grant can support travel-related to professional and/or curriculum development, and research and development of a public-facing project such as: archival research, oral histories, digital/interpretative platforms, online or print publications, performances, and panels, conferences, and exhibitions, etc.

Who is Eligible: Current adjuncts at any CUNY College

Application Deadline: Monday, March 12th, 2018.

Selection Process: Recipients will be decided by an interdisciplinary committee.

Application Process: Please send a one-page letter of interest describing your research or public project, academic and/or professional background, and methodological tool-kit. Please be sure to let us know your discipline(s), your current departmental affiliation as an adjunct at a CUNY senior or community college, and one contact who we can reach out to should your proposal be selected. If your project is public in nature, please describe past relevant experience and communities engaged. In addition to the letter of interest, please email a CV and a brief, budgetary outline to [email protected] by Monday, March 12th, 2018.

Expectations: You will be in charge of managing your research or project, from conception to completion. The Center for the Humanities will provide logistical, and media support if you are producing a public-facing project. We request a one-page, narrative report on research progress and impact by December 1, 2018. We will also ask you to fill out a short survey on your experience so that we can serve this community better in the Adjunct Incubator’s next iteration. Finally, you will be invited to think about sharing your work with wider publics, as part of the Center’s mission to support public facing, interdisciplinary scholarship. And we welcome proposals for public panels in fall 2018 stemming from your project and/or writing for our blog.

  • Small Grants  enable CUNY adjuncts to gather for professionalization and pedagogy workshops; meetings to share research and writing; and small-scale public humanities projects, including digital/interpretive platforms, public programs, and more.

Who is Eligible: Current adjuncts at any CUNY college

Application Deadline: Monday, March 12th, 2018.

Selection Process: Recipients will be decided by an interdisciplinary committee.

Application Process: Please send a 500 word proposal describing the peer workshop or small-scale public event/project you would like to organize. Please be sure to let us know your discipline(s), your current departmental affiliation at a CUNY senior or community college, and one contact who will can reach out to if your proposal should be selected. If your project is public in nature, please describe past relevant experience and communities engaged. In addition to the proposal, please email a CV and a brief, budgetary outline to [email protected] by March 12, 2018.

Expectations: You will be in charge of managing your project, from conception to completion. The Center for the Humanities will provide logistical, financial (up to $600), and media support for your project.

We request a 500 word, narrative and budgetary report on your project by December 1, 2018. We will also ask you to fill out a short survey on your experience so that we can serve this community better in the Adjunct Incubator’s next iteration. Finally, you will be invited to think about sharing your work with wider publics, as part of the Center’s mission to support public facing, interdisciplinary scholarship, by writing for our blog.

CUNY Adjunct Incubator Advisory Committee: Ujju Aggarwal, Celina Su, Kendra Sullivan, and Mary N. Taylor.

Sponsored by the Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center, CUNY.