Oct 26 | Upcoming TLC Workshop: Failure

Thursday, October 26, 2017
Room C203

For both instructors and students, the risk of failure can be an immobilizing force. In this workshop, we’ll explore ways to move beyond that fear.

Are you looking for strategies to manage moments or lessons or assignments that don’t go to plan? Do you want to develop methods to help students mitigate anxiety about grades? Or are you interested in considering ways to incorporate and/or recast the connotation of “failure” into your class as a generative process of experimentation and learning? Please join the Teaching and Learning Center to explore these questions, and more.

We’ll focus on three types of failure–moments that go wrong for us as instructors, recuperating a sense of failure as experimentation in order to help students take risks in thinking, and managing the implications of failure (such as when students may lose funding without a certain grade, or events in class that threaten to damage permanently the dynamic). Together we’ll generate strategies for navigating each of these situations, as well as others.

Please bring with you any activities you’d like to re-design, as well as thoughts about past classroom fails.

To RSVP, please click here: https://goo.gl/forms/fLd5bjjKMiwQ8HfR2.