The NYU Center for Religion and Media and the Asian Film and Media Initiative at the NYU Department of Cinema Studies would like to invite you to attend its upcoming screening of “One Mind[]” a new documentary film by Edward A. Burger on Friday, February 3, 2017 at 4pm.
“One Mind” is a rare cinematic portrait of life inside one of China’s most austere and revered Zen communities. The monks at Zhenru Chan Monastery continue to uphold a strict monastic code established over 1200 years ago by the founding patriarchs of Zen in China. In harmony with the land that sustains them, the monks operate an organic farm, grow tea, and harvest bamboo to fuel their kitchen fires. At the heart of this community, a group of cloistered meditators sit in silence for 8 hours every day. Suggesting a Zen version of the critically acclaimed film Into Great Silence, “One Mind” offers an intimate glimpse into a thriving Buddhist monastery in modern China.
Director Edward A. Burger (Amongst White Clouds) has lived and studied with Buddhist communities in China for over 15 years, and is the first Western filmmaker to be granted such unprecedented access to the daily rituals and traditions practiced in this remote mountain monastery.
The screening will be followed by a conversation between the director, Edward A. Burger, and Professor Angela Zito (NYU Anthropology & Religious Studies).
For more information please visit where more details are available.